External Counter Pulsation

ECP or external counter pulsation is a safe, effective, non-surgical rehabilitative treatment for patients whose life is affected by symptoms of Angina, Coronary Artery Disease [CAD] and Congestive Heart Failure [CHF].


ECP May Be Right for You If:

  • You have heat failure or angina that medication no longer relieves.
  • You have returning symptoms after open-heart surgery, angioplasty or other invasive procedures.


Your doctor will need to review your medical history, and decide if ECP is right for you.


Benefits of ECP:

  • Reduction and/or elimination in angina symptoms
  • Reduction in leg pain related to Peripheral Vascular Disease [PVD]
  • Reduction in shortness of breath, fatigue and palpitations
  • Reduction in medication use
  • Increase in energy and exercise tolerance
  • Overall improvement in quality of life.


How Does ECP Work?


First, pressure cuffs located on the patient’s calves will inflate while the heart is at rest. 

Next, the pressure cuffs located on the patient’s thighs will inflate to compress the blood vessels of the lower legs and increase flow of blood towards the heart. 

Thirdly, the pressure cuffs located on the patient’s buttocks will inflate to increase flow of blood throughout coronary arteries.

Lastly, all the pressure cuffs will deflate at the same time.


Frequently Asked Questions


Are there any risks associated with this treatment?

Your doctor will review your medical history and determine the potential for any risks or complications.


Are there patients who are potentially unable to receive treatment?

Patients who had or have AAA, DVT, surgery or intervention within the last 8 weeks, severe CHF, uncontrolled A-Fib, tachycardia, currently on anticoagulant therapy and/or are pregnant may not be a good candidate for this treatment. Your doctor will determine if this treatment is right for you.


How do I feel after a treatment?

You may feel fatigued after the first few treatments. This is a typical and expected outcome if you do not exercise regularly. This will decrease with each treatment.


How long is the expected length of treatment?

A typical course of treatment will include 35 one hour sessions throughout seven weeks, although some patients may require more treatments.


Will my insurance cover this treatment?

Medicare does cover this treatment, as well as most private insurances.  If your physician believes ECP is the right treatment for you, our billing department will work with your insurance for approval.


Advantages of ECP

  • Non-Invasive
  • Less expensive
  • No recovery period
  • No hospitalization
  • Back to regular activities Immediatley


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