Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a technique used to rejuvenate skin by removing the outermost layers of skin. To accomplish this, the peel works from the inside out and is considered a controlled injury.




Chemical peels work to:


•             Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth

•             Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging

•             Improve the appearance of mild scars

•             Treat certain types of acne

•             Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills

•             Improve the look and feel of skin


Areas of sun damage may improve after chemical peeling. After a chemical peel, skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen every day. It should say "broad-spectrum" on the label, meaning it protects against the sun's UVA and UVB rays. Also, it should be a physical sunscreen and be above SPF 30. Limit your time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear a wide-brimmed hat.




You aren’t a candidate for chemical peels if you currently have the following:


•             First time accuntane user within 6 months

•             Pregnancy

•             Nursing

•             Open lesions

•             Recent sun exposure

•             Allergies

•             Asthmatics

•             NO OTC retinols or topical steroids within the last three days

•             No prescription retinols or steroids within the last 7-10 days

•             Open wounds, cuts, or abrasions

•             Plastic surgery within the last three months

•             Acnes or herpes breakout




•             Our experienced staff will decide which peel is right for you based upon your Fitzpatrick score, current condition of the clients’ skin and desired                            outcome.

•             Patients can expect a stinging or itching sensation that will diminish over 5 to 10 minutes when receiving a peel.

•             Chemical peels are not a permanent fix. Results greatly depend upon patients consistent and diligence to their skin care and protection.

•             Providing your technician with an accurate and up to date medical history enables you to receive a safe and effective treatment.

•             Patients should discontinue use of depilatories, electrolysis, exfoliating sponges, masks, AHA/BHA products, or topical retinols 7 days’ pretreatment.

•             Appointments will take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on if patient is new or established.

•             Patients cannot wear makeup two days post procedure.

•             Patients can experience redness and peeling up to 5 days with mild peels and up to 10 days for deep peels.

•             Pre & Post Care include no waxing the area within 1 week, stop the use of retinols for 3 days prior and 7 days after, sunscreen post treatment is                          required.

•             Keep the skin hydrated and out of the sun.



Here’s a comprehensive List of Peels we provide at Rejuve.


The Serenity Peel  

This is an AHA Active Exfoliator peel. It is a great peel to start on, it will increase your cell turnover for smoother skin and will help the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You will notice your skin will be brighter, lighter, and tighter.

Time in between treatments should be 2 to 4 weeks.


Pamper Me Peel             

This 20% Salicylic Acid peel is fantastic for anyone with oily or acneic skin. It will help absorb the oil and kill bacteria to reduce acne or breakouts. It can be drying to your skin.

Time in between treatments should be 2 to 4 weeks.


The Red Carpet Peel

This Ossential Stimulator peel from ZO skin care is designed to exfoliate the skin by stimulating cellular turnover to improve skin tone, texture, and clarity. This

peel contains three different acids to exfoliate the skin. It is gentle but strong enough to make a visible difference, brightening and refreshing the face for a youthful, dewy look.


Fountain of Youth         

This 30% Lactic Action Exfoliator peel is a great peel for any client who suffers from dry skin or suffers from hyperpigmentation. It will hydrate your skin and lighten your hyperpigmentation.

Time in between treatments should be 2 to 4 weeks.      


The Recharge Peel  

This 30% Salicylic Exfoliator Solution peel is fantastic for anyone with oily or acneic skin. It will help absorb the oil and kill bacteria to reduce acne or breakouts. It can be drying to your skin.

Time in between treatments should be 2 to 4 weeks.


The Chocolate Peel  

This peel helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increases cell turnover and gives you a more even complexion. It is also great for any one with dry skin. You will experience slight redness and your skin will feel tight for the next 12-24 hours.


The Restore Peel

This Lactic Action 50% Exfoliator peel is fantastic for anyone with oily or acneic skin. It will help absorb the oil and kill bacteria to reduce acne or breakouts. It can be drying to your skin.

Time in between treatments should be 2 to 4 weeks.


The Revitalize Peel   

This Vitamin A Professional peel provides strong exfoliation and stimulates new collagen production. This formula is excellent for fading post inflammatory pigmentation due to photo-aging and acne, and restoring healthy tone and texture to skin.

Time in between treatments should be 4 to 6 weeks.      


ZO Three Step Peel- “The Rejuvenation Peel”             

More aggressive and can substantially change the appearance of the skin. The peel is designed to treat sun spots, discoloration, acne, fine lines, rough texture, large pores, and dullness.

Time in between treatments should be 4 to 6 weeks. 

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